November is here – Site update


November is here. Leaves are falling and it is slowly becoming colder here in Belgium.

I wanted to give you all a quick update on what I have been doing behind the scenes so you don’t think I have abandoned the ship again. 
I am currently working on getting a domain for the website. You might think that’s something easy enough. True, I am just waiting a little bit longer, because we are leaving for a little holiday on Thursday and I don’t want it to be just sitting there until we get back. So as soon as we return I am getting that domain all sorted and will start on moving the blog.

I have got one post coming up for you tomorrow. I am not sure whether I will be able to get another one scheduled for you while I am on our little getaway. Basically for the same reason, since the blog will be moving…

Life did take over for a minute. I had to do a diabetes test because of my pregnancy and the first test didn’t turn out so good. So I needed to get a second one done. Over the past days I have been all worried about being diagnosed with pregnancy diabetes. So my head totally wasn’t in it. But today I received the phone call that my second test was ok and that I don’t have diabetes. I simply need to watch my sugar intake. So thank God for that.

So if you don’t see any posts coming up (after tomorrow’s) don’t be worried, I will be back –with the new domain- around the 20th of this month.

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