Returning to the world of the living.



Tonight is the night dead rise from the death. Tonight is also the night I bring my blog back from the death.

I look at my timeline and I can’t believe it has been over three months since my last post, which was supposed to be my big return but yes life got in the way of that once again. And I am sure you are probably tired of hearing this, but yes… I am having another go at this.

At this point I have an entire team behind me, I have support and I have my girl Rachael who is going to help me out. So I am feeling very good about this right now and lately I feel more energetic than the last couple of months.

I won’t make you any promises but I will do my best in updating this blog and creating a place you can come back to and enjoy the posts that we will bring.

Thank you for sticking what me!

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