Summer is on its way



It is still spring but these days it really feels like summer has arrived. April does tend to bring hot summer weather here in Belgium, so we want to enjoy it to the maximum, while it lasts. Taking walks in the woods or enjoying ice-cream in an outdoor café or taking the opportunity to do some gardening.

It’s been almost a month since my last post and it feel like march and the beginning of this month simply have gotten away from me. There has been so much to do these last weeks. I have been job hunting, doing job interviews, at least one a week, sometimes even two. Next Tuesday I will be starting my new job, so I am really excited.


Plus I have been preparing my big move. Next month I will be moving in with my boyfriend and it seems like there is still so much work that need to be done. I have lived on my own before, but it’ll be my first time living together, plus the apartment I rented back then was fully equipped. Personally I am moving about 10 kilometres from where I am living at this point, from my boyfriend it is only a couple of hundred metres. I never knew so many things needed to be done. It’s been couch shopping, kitchen utilities… boxing up my things, cleaning out the closets, looking for furniture… I do feel blessed my family is helping me a lot during these days, borrowing utilities, plates, cups,… so we can still save a bit of money.

So I want to apologize upfront if posts slow down over the next weeks. Things are going to get quite hectic once we start moving and I am not sure whether we will have internet right away.

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