New Year’s resolutions


Let me just start off by saying HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yes 2016 is here! I hope you had an amazing time spending the holidays with your loved ones.

Each year we tend to make New Year’s resolutions that we fail to keep. Well this year I make a resolution to keep my New Year’s resolutions.

This year I really want to get back in shape. I lost about 20 kilos about two years ago but since then I already gained 10 kilos back again. So now I want to lose those again and lose about 10 kilos more to be on my normal weight. I am visiting the gym since August but with little result. But now I am more motivated and also doing exercises at home with YouTube videos. If you want I can share some of my favourite videos or online coaches, if you would like to see those.

Along with this resolution I want to live healthier, eating healthier and also because of my weight, I suffer from a low self-image and self-confidence. So I really want to work on that this coming year.

And one more resolution is to make better planners and of course plan better to make posts on here. Sometimes time just gets the best of us and things pop up on our schedule so I don’t get the chance to post here as often as I would like to. Over the holidays I have been thinking about my blogs a lot. I have made the decision to close my Spanish blog, I am not sure yet whether this will be a temporary thing or permanent yet. My Spanish blog was my baby, it’s the blog I started out blogging with, so it was a difficult decision. But I felt like in these busy times that we are living in, I couldn’t find the time to do both blogs and do them properly. At this point, since I am no longer living in Spain and not talking Spanish very often anymore, I find it costs me more time to write in Spanish. So keeping both was simply impossible. January is going to be a busy period with a busy period at work, some personal meetings that are already scheduled and of course my brand new gym schedule so it’s going to be busy but I am going to try my best and post as often as possible. I still have a few posts left on my online dating series. There is just so many things I want to say and I need to gather my thought and get them in line. I got a recipe coming up of my New Year’s Eve dessert, some posts about trips we did and of course some beauty posts. I can’t forget how I got in this business of blogging, which is my makeup posts. I suppose along with issues that I explained above in this posts, it is one thing that got pushed back to the background, but I really want to get that back on track. I got some very nice products on the trips we did that I would like to share with you all.

I think that are about the most important resolutions that I have made this year. Did you make any resolutions?

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