Life and London Getaway



I know, usually on Wednesday's you are here waiting for the next installment of the Online Dating Series. And you probably noticed there wasn't one published today but fear not, it will be online tomorrow.

I just wanted to take this moment to explain why the blog was delayed by a day. Even though I had the post almost ready yesterday evening, it just missed something. Over the past couple of days a lot went on and I have been deciding whether or not to comment on it. Because I found that in expressing my opinion on this subject, I might offend some people.

We all know about Paris (#Pray4Paris). Don't get me wrong, Paris never should have happened, I am not approving the actions what so ever. When that happened me and my partner were on a holiday in London, so we only heard about it the next day. And you know, you don't want to show fear but all of a sudden you seem  more aware of the people surrounding you. There was this moment that my partner and I basically got out of the underground because we didn't trust this one guy, mumbling to himself. Obviously nothing happened, that person was probably just praying to himself, but you start paying attention to everything, just in case.

I still got to write about our trip to London, we did some sightseeing and of course some shopping (read quite a lot actually!).

But it was when we got home that we realized the impact Paris would have on our daily lives. All of a sudden Belgium was pointed the finger for being responsible because the terrorists were radical Muslims with the Belgian nationality. While what they say about Muslims is also true about Belgians. Not all Belgians are terrorist.

Since the attacks, the "terror treat level" was risen to 3 and last Saturday to 4 for Brussels. Four is the highest level possible, meaning that an attack is very likely to happen and the police and military are more present on the streets in order to prevent such from happening. There was the anti-terror operation on Sunday night, in which the police asked the public not to report on the officer's movements, in which the Belgians responded in tweeting cats.

At this point the treat levels stays up, but it appears that life is slowly pulling itself together again.

On a more positive note I finished the first six months on the job last week. I am currently working through an employment agency. Finishing six months, basically gives the company I am working for to take over the contract from the employment agency without having to pay an extra fee. So fingers crossed!

So I hope you will enjoy the next installment of the Online Dating Series tomorrow and talk to you soon!

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