Review of the fitbit


I promised you a while ago that I would write another review of the fitbit once I had used my replacement enough to have a view on it.
This review has taken me longer than expected due to life and illness getting in the way, but here it is at long last!

I have to say I am totally addicted to it, I bought the fitbit to measure the quality of my sleep, more than anything else, but I do now attempt to do ten thousand steps a day, drink 3 liters of water and sleep for 8 hours.

Some days it is impossible to get 10k of steps particularly with my job. Sometimes you are just sat down all day. This last week however, most days I have hit 10k and over the weekend which has been a bit slower I have managed about 7k.
This is basically how it measures your sleep. It shows you how much time you were restless (showed in the light blue stripes), how much deep sleep you have had (shown by the dark blue sections) and any time you have spent awake (showed in pink). As you can see my sleep tends to be more restless than restful, I knew this already before I had my fitbit but now I know how long for and I can at least try to make it better.

This is how it registers your daily steps and the calories that you have burnt, I do think that some days it doesn't pick up as many movements as it should but on average I can't speak highly enough of the fitbit. The newer versions are probably more responsive than the one I have and I am looking into getting one that is more up to date for the future.

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