Weight loss journey week 1: False start


So with my New Year’s resolutions I am afraid I had a bit of a false start. Don’t get me wrong, I did lose weight, just not in the proper way.

I have been ill for the entire week. I had a consultation on Monday with my GP and was diagnosed with a respiratory infection. So I was put on antibiotics, pumped up my asthma medication and was put on sick leave. I remember telling to my partner I wasn’t feeling so ill on Monday, but boy was I wrong. On Tuesday once the antibiotics started to kick in I was completely knocked out. But the problem is that I can’t sit down, even when I’m sick. So I tried to iron and after ten minutes I basically had to stop, I was totally exhausted. There were so many things I wanted to do, but I just couldn’t keep my head focused. At the end of the week, I had to go back to my GP because there was hardly any improvement. So she subscribed me heavier antibiotics and cortisone tablets to fight the infection more effectively.

As a result to be ill, my appetite was gone. I barely ate, didn’t feel like eating, slept through big part of the afternoon, slept during the night. And I still don’t feel like I am quite recovered yet. I hope to feel better by Monday, so I can get back to work.

So this week I lost two kilos, basically it were the two kilos that I had gained over the holidays. I did loose them, but I fear that once my appetite returns I might regain that weight.

On Tuesday I have an appointment with Infraligne for a free figure analysis. I have heard from a colleague at work that she tried it and it worked for her. However it is more expensive than a regular gym. I will surely let you know how that went. Have you ever tried this program?

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