Breathless (Blue Fire Saga Book 1) by Scott Prussing


Length: 254 pages
Genre: paranormal, romance

Leesa has had a strange childhood, while her mother was pregnant with her she was bite by a one fanged vampire and since then had not left the house as day light hurt her skin. Her older brother Bradley pretty much brought her up until he left home to go to University, back in the state their mother had grown up in and was supposedly attacked by a vampire. But Bradley stops calling and after Leesa receives a strange letter from Bradley telling her not to look for him, she decides it time to go to Weston College to study and to find her brother and see if she can find any information on a one fanged vampire.
She signs up for a course on vampire science in the hope she can find some information of the myth of vampires, least does she expect who she'll meet in those classes. Leesa soon finds herself with a deeply handsome mysterious boyfriend Rave Maston, rumour has it he's from a cult who sacrifice people and have powers where they can make blue flames appear.
But Rave's secret is worse than that, he has the power to kill and he does. His family history and culture means that he is centuries old and his blue flames burn the life from vampires.  But his fire could also Kill Leesa and as the pair fall deeper for each other the challenges of a relationship are tested, will Rave ever tell Leesa his secret.
Along side all this Leesa draws closer to finding her brother, she faces some gut-wrenching decisions. Should she risk her mom's life trying to "cure" her? Should she continue seeing Rave, after he reveals his dangerous secret? And most terrifying of all, should she make the ultimate sacrifice-give up her humanity-to save her brother?
Such a good book, I enjoyed it so much! This is also free to download at the moment on Amazon, so get it on your kindle/ipad/ phone and enjoy the story. There are more books in the series and as I get through them I will write a review.

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